Wednesday 23 August 2017

sponsored: Rebuilding process- my birthday message to all ladies( iretimentorship)





Dear ladies it high time we start using our senses to think and start thinking of the kind of wife we want to be to our husband's, a lot of ladies has practiced all the wife material in their relationships forgetting that it just a relationship not a marriage, let me make it clear to you all that those guys you have practiced all the wife material with will not marry you!!! A lot of ladies sleep,cook and wash their boyfriends cloth,many has even had sex with each other and their is no sex style they haven't practiced!! now tell me while you are doing all these what is left for you to give in your marriage when you have done everything in your relationship!!!relationship that is not even certain it going to lead to marriage yet you all say you want to have fun and  enjoy the romance!!! The worst of all is that you all want to SLAY!!!take note that those guys you have given your entire body and soul to in your relationship is not going to marry you cause those guys are the one's that will leave you and marry the descent one's that has value,worth and integrity since you don't have any of these attribute!!! So start using your SENSE'S. To the slay mamas start slaying with SENSE and stop slaying to HELL!!! Ladies Start settings standards and principles for yourself,stop being a public toilet to guys and stop being a trash that can be. Disposed ANYTIME!!!be a branded lady not a graded lady a branded lady is a lady with impurity,value,worth and high class.....have you ever wondered why new clothes are more expensive than graded clothes, have you ever wondered why new clothes are always sold in a big and expensive boutique  while graded clothes are sold in the opening and being poured on the floor for people to select their clothes?? have you ever wondered why brand new cloths have labels and brand on them why graded clothes don't have any on them!!! Well it because brand new cloths are of high class and expensive to afford!!!why don't you be a lady with high class,expensive to afford and respected if a brand new cloth can't be be poured on the floor anyhow for people to select their cloth then tell me why you are a Lady that any guy can pass on to anytime.
if a brand new cloth can have  brand and labels tell me what brand of name and label is written on you!! MISS VALUE or SLAY MAMA!!! 
If a brand new cloth can't be worn without being bought then tell me why any guy can sleep with you without he paying your bride price,
if a brand new cloth can have value and be respected tell me why a guy cannot value and respect YOU!!! If all the guys you dated before you met  your husband has slept with you and practice all the sex style on you tell me what you are going to that marriage to give your HUSBAND!!! Leftover or trash??? Know that for each guy that sleeps with you anyhow your body  becomes a dustbin and you loose your VALUE!!! cause any guy can  ride on you like a horse,deposit their trash and leave!!!! Because you have become the graded cloth that is poured on the Floor for people to select anyhow,wear if they wish to buy or not and drop it back,Ladies let's stop acting foolishly and start acting sensible isn't it a big shame on you all that you dedicate your time,give your body out and at the end of the day you end up LOOSING!!!! Most ladies will say they give their body out just to maintain their relationship!! Let me make it clear to you that there are relationships that can be managed without you giving your body and a relationship that is meant to stay will stay so stop having the idea that if you give your body out your boyfriend is not going to leave you.
know that this your boyfriend you sacrifice so much for can still sleep with other ladies outside so why don't you stop bothering yourself and rather seek for God's intervention cause these guys are only  ruining your life's. you don't 

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