Sunday 25 June 2017

How to make (legal) money online as a student/undergraduate in Nigeria

How to make money online in Nigeria (legally) as a student/undergraduate is the hardest thing to achieve these days…when I say earning money legally as a student is a daunting – and excruciatingly difficult task, trust me, I know exactly what I’m talking about.

However, I do not say this to scare you. However, truth – especially, truth about making money online in Nigeria needs to be told, whether it is pleasant or not. Again, I’m well aware of the fact that many students/undergraduates who desire to make money online would appreciate the simple truth (as many are at crossroads) and anything less would actually do them a great disservice.

Some of you, my dear readers, are blessed with parents who are financially handicapped at the moment and raising bare necessities like school fees and transport fares is a great challenge.

Others have parents who manage to provide the basic necessities but who (brilliantly) omit such “important” items like entertainment, “booze” and a little change for Angela or Grace. Yet, a third category would appreciate securing their financial futures while still in school (since the government has gallantly failed in this regard)…

Whatever your aim for desiring to earn an income online while still in school, one thing is clear: you certainly won’t appreciate sacrificing your education on the altar of making money. An online business that guarantees less of your time and promises not to interfere with your academics is thus in order and welcome – anyday.

I was once a student. Then an undergraduate…I thus, completely understand….

My Story As An Undergraduate Student (And How I Paid Dearly For Attempting Business As A Student)

I studied Law at Benue State University for 5 years and I can tell you without any fear of contradiction that those years were the harshest of my life. During those 5 years, we had lecturers who I sincerely believe derived extreme joy in seeing their students fail and as a matter of fact, made certain that the students actually failed by making conditions of study as stringent as hell.

Let me give you an example. During my third year, we had a lecturer who taught Commercial Law (Law 305&306 respectively). She was in the habit of absenting herself from lectures at will and as a matter of fact, took her private practice/business more important than the course she was paid by the state to teach.

One lone day, she failed to show up (as usual). When the time for her lecture was almost up (it was just about 10 minutes to go), she reluctantly showed up. Unfortunately, more than 90% of the students had already gone home or to their businesses (and I was sadly amongst those who had taken their leave).

This woman went ahead to announce a test – and scored it 20% straight! The sadist part of the story is that most of us were notified via SMS by our friends who were still in the classroom (and thanks to the 125CC Nanfang Rocket Bike I used then), I was back to class in less than 5 minutes.

But I was still denied the test. Her reason(s)? We were students and should face our studies squarely! This meant waiting for her (even) when it was obvious she wasn’t going to show up!

Can you imagine?

In essence, the point here is that you’ll have to settle for an online business that does not interfere with your studies and as much as possible, makes less demands on your time. As for my 305 course, I ended up with a C.O. Bad enough, eh?

This is just one of the silly experiences I had to endure while running a business and studying. There exist other numerous challenges I also faced that chronicling them alone would certainly be material enough for a Bestseller!

Let’s forget about the numerous challenges I faced during my time as a student…my time is past. Let’s (instead) treat your own challenges as brilliantly as we can so that you’ll make money as soon as your genius permi

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